Deleting Metadata
The process of deleting metadata is similar for all types of metadata, namely:
CRF Metadata
Data Collection
Deleting CRF Metadata
Under the menu heading CDASH CRF Metadata, click the Delete menu option to display the CRFs in the database. Select the CRF to delete. Note that the version of the metadata is derived from the worksheet name. Since there can be any number of example CRFs in the metadata version, all CRFs with a matching version in the database are removed.
The user is asked to confirm that he wants to delete the CRF from the database.
Importing Data Collection Metadata
Clicking the Import under Data Collection Metadata on the menu displays a directory of worksheets supported by the App. The CDASHIG metadata tables are taken from the CDISC Library.
Select the worksheet file, to import the CDASH metadata to the database.
Upon completion of the import, you the domains are displayed for you to browse. See Browse Domains.
Deleting Data Collection Metadata
Under the menu heading CDASH CRF Metadata, clicking the Delete menu option displays the CRFs in the database. Select the CRF to delete. The version of the metadata was derived from the worksheet name. All CRFs with a matching version in the database are removed. Note that there can be any number of example CRFs in metadata version.
Importing Controlled Terminology Metadata
Clicking the Import under Terminology on the menu displays a directory of metadata worksheet files for the Control Terminology (CT) to be imported. The Control Terminology worksheets are by version. They are downloaded or transferred by API from the CDISC Library of Controlled Terminology and put into a file folder.
When the import is complete, a list of CTs is displayed for you to browse. See Browse CT.
Deleting Controlled Terminology Metadata
Under Terminology in the menu bar click Delete to display a directory of Standards and Dates that are in the database. Select a Standard and Date to delete and all data for that Standard and Date is removed.
The user is asked to confirm that he wants to delete the Standard and Date.